EVENT 2022.07.07
10x Normal/Premium Chain Transmit Screenshot Event

Greetings, Admiral.


Take a screenshot of your 10x Normal or Premium chain transmit results 
and share it on our Discord channel!


More participants equals more rewards to be given out!


Additionally, 5 lucky participants will be given an extra reward.



Click here☞ https://discord.gg/riseofstars



◆ Event Schedule
 - 07/07/2022 05:00 ~ 07/20/2022 23:59 (UTC)


◆ How to Participate
 - Post a screenshot of your 10x Normal/Premium chain transmit result 
   on the 'transmission - Event' channel.
 - Nickname, UID, and Sector must be included along with the screenshot.





◆ Event Rewards
 - 10 participants or more: 500 Captain EXP, 500 Admiral EXP
 - 20 participants or more: Normal Transmit Ticket x 1EA, 500 Captain EXP x 2EA
 - 30 participants or more: Premium Transmit Ticket x 1EA

   (ex. If there were 23 participants, rewards would be: 500 Captain EXP,

   500 Admiral EXP, Normal Transmit Ticket x 1EA, 500 Captain EXP x 2EA)


- 5 Random Admirals: R Tier Captain Piece Mystery Box x 10EA


※ An account may receive one reward.
※ The reward will be distributed to your mailbox.
※ If you cannot see your reward, please try reconnecting.


Thank you.