EVENT 2022.07.28
10x Normal/Premium Chain Transmit Screenshot Event Rewards

Greetings, Admiral.


We hope you obtained nice rewards from all the Normal/Premium Transmit pulls!


The '10 participants or more' rewards will be sent out to players
who uploaded a screenshot of their 10x Transmit pulls.


In addition, 5 lucky Admirals have been selected for a bonus reward.


Don't forget to stay tuned and participate in exciting future events!


■ Rewards
 - 10 participants or more: 500 Captain EXP, 500 Admiral EXP
 - 5 random Admirals: R Tier Captain Piece Mystery Box x 10EA


※ An account may receive one reward only.
※ The reward will be distributed to your mailbox.
※ If you cannot see your reward, please try reconnecting.


Thank you.