NOTICE 2024.01.30
Payment Service and Refunds Announcement

Greetings, Admiral.


We would like to provide information of payment service closure and refunds due to the ROS service closure.


Please refer to the below schedule, process, refund application form,

and make sure to apply for refund within the application period.



■ Payment Service Closure

  - January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 02:00 (UTC)


■ Refund Notice

 1) Refund Targets

  - Admirals who have payment records during November 1, 2023 (Thursday) 02:00 ~ January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 02:00 (UTC)

  ※ Refund is available when the purchased product is unused.

  ※ Refund is unavailable for items obtained for free, such as event rewards.

  ※ Refund is unavailable if any component of the purchased product have been used.


 2) Refund Application Period

  - January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 02:00 ~ February 29, 2024 (Thursday) 02:00 (UTC)


 3) Refund Application Form

  - Consent to the collection and use of personal information is required in order to proceed with the refund.

  - Please check the personal information collection notice,

    fill out the refund application form and submit it through the in-game Contact Us.



[Personal Information Collection and Use Notice]


LightCON Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) collects and uses personal information of users

in order to process refund due to the service closure.


The Company collects and uses personal information as follows.

For further details, please review the privacy policy at the following link before deciding on your consent.


     1. Personal information to be collected: Account (Member No), Nickname, Payment information (payment date,

        product information, purchase number)

     2. Purpose of collection and use of personal information: To proceed with refund due to the service closure.
     3. Personal information possession and use period: 7 days after the refund is complete

        (personal information that must be kept in accordance with the relevant law will be securely stored

         for the period specified by the law)
[Shortcut to Privacy Policy]

※ You can refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information. If refused, refund is unavailable.




[Refund Application Form]


* Inquiry Title

 - Rise of stars service closure refund request (AOS) / (iOS)


* Inquiry Content

 - Account ID (Member No):

 - Nickname:

 - Purchase Number or a screenshot of the receipt:

 - Consent to collection and use of personal information: (Example) I agree to the collection and use of my personal information.

※ Please write your consent to collection and use of personal information in sentences. (*please refer to the example).



4) Cautions

 - When the refund application is not submitted in a provided form, refund process may be delayed. Please follow the form.

 - Refunds will only be processed for those requested within the application period.

 - After the refund is completed, all refunded items will be retrieved.

 - You cannot login to the game server after the service closure (February 29, 2024 (Thursday) 02:00 UTC),

  making it unavailable for you to check your account information.

  Please prepare the necessary information in advance by screenshots, etc.

 - For refund and retrieval of the items, it is necessary to verify your data.

   Please refrain from deleting the application until the refund is completed.


Thank you.