[Game Details] Alliance Repair Station

 - Alliance Repair Station is a facility that can "accommodate" and "repair" Warships in danger of being destroyed that exceeds the capacity of Workshop.
 - It can be constructed in "Alliance Module" menu after acheiving certain conditions.
 - When the capacoti of Workshop is exceeded, it will be "automatically" accommodated according to the conditions.
 - However, if it exceeds the capacity of Alliance Repair Station, exceeding amount of Warships will be destroyed.
 - Warship repair can be done by using "Honor Points"
 * When retrieving the Alliance Repair Station, Warships that are "being repaired" and "waiting to be repaired" will all be  * destroyed
 * When leaving the Alliance, Warships that are "being repaired" and "waiting to be repaired" in the Alliance Repair Station will all be destroyed.
 * If you do not belong to the Alliance Fort Area, Alliance Repair Station will be "forcibly retrieved".
 * Other detailed information can be found in [Alliance] - [Alliance Module] menu.


[Game Details] What is the order of resource consumption?

Resources in ROS is largely devided into Non-Secured / Secured / Safe Resources.

All resources are consumed in the order of Safe Resources -> Non-Secured Resources -> Secured Resources.
※ As an exception, Warship maintanece fees consume only Non-Secured Resources.


* Non-Secured Resources : Resources that exceeds the amount of protection by the Resource Depot. It can be looted when attacked by other Commanders.
* Secured Resources : Resources that are stored in the Resource Depot. It is not affected by Base looting.
* Safe Resources : Resources that are not affected by looting. It can be obtained through item purchase, etc.


[Game Details] What is Silther Check Piece?

Silther Check Piece is an item that can be exchanged to Silther Check.
At Lobby > Trade Center, 100 Silther Check Piece can be exchanged to 1 Silther Check.

Silther Check Piece can be obtained by investing Silther Particle.

[Game Details] What is Silther Check?

Silther Check is an item that can be binded to a Silthereum.
At Lobby > Trade Center, 1 Silther Check can be binded to 1 Silthereum.

Silther Check can be obtained by decomposing Silthereum, investing Silther Particle, and exchanging Silther Check Piece

[Game Details] What is the Wanted Position in the Council Office?

The Council Office consists of "Councilman" and "Wanted" positions.
There are a total of 8 Wanted positions that get personal debuffs.


■ Traitor
 - All warships ATK -10% 
 - Resource site production speed -5%


■ Wanted Fugitive
 - Resource site production speed -5%
 - Warship maintenance cost  10% 


■ Terrorist
 - All warships voyage speed -5%
 - Warship production speed -10%


■ Deserter
 - All warships DEF -5%
 - Resource site production speed -10% 


■ Remnants
 - All warships ATK, DEF -8%


■ Illegal Mercenary
 - Max. protected resources at resource depot -20%


■ Prisoner of War
 - All warship voyage speed -15%


■ Spy
 - Research time 15%

[Game Details] What are Noble Coins and Sector Noble Coins?

■ Noble Coins
 - Currency that can be used for Council-related content.
 - You can check how many Noble Coins you have at the top right corner of the Council page.
 - Noble Coins may be obtained at a certain chance after defeating pirates or Nocturns.
 - Noble Coins can be used for content such as Contribution, Coin Heist, Shutdown, and Panopticon.


■ Sector Noble Coins
 - Noble Coins donated to the Sector through Contribution.
 - Council members can activate Sector Skills using Sector Noble Coins.

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