[Game Details] How do I maintain my Warship Carriers?

Warship Carriers consume Stamina whenever they are used, and their Stamina can only be recharged manually.

To recharge your Warship Carrier, follow these steps:
 1. From the Lobby, go to Warship Carrier Lab.
 2. Click the 'Warship' button on the left.
 3. Choose the Warship Carrier you want to recharge.
 4. Click the "Recharge" button on the right side of the Stamina bar.
 5. Recharging costs you Titanium.

[Game Details] What are Warship Carrier "Parts?"

Warship Carrier Parts give your Warship Carrier additional skills.
A "Parts" slot is unlocked each time you increase your Warship Carrier's Tier.

There are 4 Part types that you can attach to your Warship Carrier.
 - Weapon - Damage
 - Armor - Defense
 - Support - Mining
 - Engine - Speed

The options for each part are randomly determined and can be changed through modification.

[Game Details] What are Warship Carrier "Skills?"

Warship Carrier Skills are your Warship Carrier's abilities.
There are a total of 4 Skill types that your Warship Carrier can have.

 - Common Skills - Skills that all types of Warship Carriers possess.
 - Tactical Skills - Exclusive skills that your Warship Carrier has depending on its type.
 - General Skills - Skills that your Warship Carrier gains through Tier increase.
 - Parts Skills - Skills that your Warship Carrier gains through equipping parts.

 Note: Tactical Skills may also change when your Warship Carrier's type changes during Tier increase.

[Game Details] What is a Warship Carrier "Rarity?"

A Warship Carrier's Rarity is determined by its combat capabilities.

Your Warship Carrier's background and frame color change according to its Rarity.
There are a total of 6 Rarities that your Warship Carrier can come in.
 - Normal (White)
 - Fine (Green)
 - Premium (Blue)
 - Rare (Purple)
 - Immortal (Red)
 - Legendary (Yellow)

[Game Details] What happens when I increase my Warship Carrier's Tier?

Increasing your Warship Carrier's Tier upgrades multiple aspects of it.
 - Increases maximum level
 - Increases skill abilities
 - Unlocks weapon parts

[Game Details] What are Warship Carrier "Tiers?"

Tier is the grade of your Warship Carrier's quality. You can combine Warship Carriers of the same tier to increase up to Tier 5.

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